Every other week I have been alternating writing long-form letters with small notes and pieces for Myles. This is my third time writing one of these. Many of you enjoyed listening to Myles babble and witnessing an intimate moment between him and my wife. I hope you enjoy this letter, centered around an affirmation I started saying to him when he was 16 weeks old.

21 Weeks Old
This is for when you deal with imposter syndrome.
Dear Myles,
Remember when I tell you, you are beautiful
I know because only after He spoke everything in existence
He stepped down from glory,
kneeled down into dirt to make you
in His image
(Genesis 2:7-9)
Remember when I told you you not to worry
The trees and grass are clothed
in splendors of green,
yet no one waters them
Aren’t you not more precious to Him than they?
Surely, He’ll take care of you
(Matthew 6:26-30)
Remember when I told you you were brilliant?
Fearing Him is the beginning of wisdom
(Proverbs 9:10)
Remember when I told you, you were handsome
For you were made a little less than the angels
He has put everything under your feet
(Psalms 8:5)
Before you were formed in Mommy’s womb
He knew you
Before you were born
He set you apart
(Jeremiah 1:5)
Remember, even when I’m not here to remind you
God is with you.
The affirmation.
And if you’re on Substack Notes, and enjoyed this letter, please hit that“Restack” button.
Let me know your thoughts:
What's a quote or verse that grounded you this week when things felt uncertain?
How do you cope with imposter syndrome in your life?
Who is someone in your life that you turn to when you're worried, and how do they provide support?
How do you let your friends or family know you're there for them, even when you're not physically present?
These letters between Myles and I are currently free to read.
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All proceeds collected from Raising Myles contributes to his 529 Plan. If you can’t commit to a monthly subscription, but still want to support, here is my Buy Me a Coffee page.
Want more of Myles’ Letters?
These are Subscriber’s favorite:
Read about My Wife’s Love Affair - It’s not exactly what you are thinking.
Have you ever been Cooking in the Bathroom kind of tired?
Check out Carrying the Gift, Holding the Love
Read about Our first Father’s Day.
1. I’m meant to be here, to the world you may be one person and to one person you may be the world.
2. This is hard, but honestly a work through of the even if I’m not the best fit for where I am, I am going to do the best I can with where I am. Period. A space was carved out by whatever forces for us to be here and many fools have made their way to positions we are in and I am at the very least not a fool and am going to prove it and let my work speak for itself.
3. My journal, it gives a birds eye perspective, plus clear my head, and if I need to I look back and read how I viewed some of the more dramatic things in the past that weren’t that deep, or were deep and could just let them stay right there on that page.
4. A quick message whenever I think about them, just a hey thinking about you can literally save lives and give lives meaning and a minimal sense of community.
Building a record is important.