If you’re new to Raising Myles, Welcome!
I write letters to my newborn son, Myles, every Monday, sharing my journey as a first-time dad and spreading the love I didn't experience myself. You can read all the letters I've ever written to him here on this website!
While I do not depend on people paying, I hope to use paid subscriptions to fund my son's college fund. Consider upgrading your subscription because college ain’t cheap. These letters are $8 a month— that’s cheaper than your new gym subscription at Planet Fitness.
If you can’t commit to a monthly subscription, but still want to support, here is my Buy Me a Coffee page.
Myles is growing quickly - yesterday he turned 7 months! Every first week of the month, I'll share our MYLESTONES (get it?). Even though they might just be skipping stones (sorry, I had to). The last time I did one of these, Myles was a month old.
Thanks to all my Substack friends for helping me workshop this idea!
30 Weeks Old
Dear Myles,
7 Mylestones for You
You have an interesting sense of humor. Whether we cough, or you cough, the very sound of coughing sends you into full laughter. You would have loved the year 2020.
This past month, you went through a growling period. The internet said this might mean you enjoy the feeling the sound makes on your throat. I think you learned a little too early how to voice your displeasure for a person who just started sitting up on his own.
You no longer like bananas, but mixing Greek Yogurt and Applesauce together hits the spot. Every. Single. Time.
Your mother is convinced you started kissing us: they are wet, slimy, but lovely. I think you are trying to eat us.
Our babysitter left us for another gig, so we pass you back and forth like your diaper is on fire between work meetings.
Before you were born, I was one of those “I’ll never co-sleep.” But here we are now, with you nestled between us, bouncing back and forth like a pinball throughout the night. I now have a glimpse of what it feels like for your mother to carry you– kicks in the ribs are no fun.
You also started kicking wildly when we change you. And since you're eating solids now, it feels like wrestling a little alligator in mud. Except there is no mud... Some days are messier than others.
7 Noticings about me
I can’t believe your sleeping through the night. It feels like just yesterday we were cooking in the bathroom.
Your mother sends me videos on an app called Instagram showing men doing things that are not in my wheelhouse. The other day, she sent me a video of a man who single-handedly built a deck with tools I’ve never seen. But this week, she sent me a man who made a chicken teriyaki air fry dinner. Now, this I can do.
I’m as tired as I've ever been, but also the happiest. I have to remind myself that this is not labor; this is love.
There is nothing like parenting with the person you love. I can’t imagine doing this without your mother. I have a newfound warmth in my heart for parents raising children alone. This is easily the hardest thing I’ve ever done.
Writing comes easy when you are sleeping on my chest. You inspire me so much just for being here. Thank you, for just being you.
You have me beat — you have more hair on your head than I do.
Perhaps we were never ready to be parents, and we are forced to look for something other than ourselves for help. Some people call it the universe, but in our home, we call Him God.
And if you’re on Substack Notes, and this this letter resonated with you, please hit that“Restack” button. If you really like it, please recommend this newsletter.
Let me know your thoughts:
Which one of these mylestones/noticings resonated with you?
Will Instagram even be around when Myles is older?
Who were you in your sevens? (Like 17, 27, 37, 47?)
What’s something you thought you were going to do as a parent, but then the baby humbled you?
What’s something that made you laugh recently?
I went back and forth whether I should use the video or not. What are your thoughts on it?
A special shoutout to our newest paid Subscribers and my hermana . My family appreciates you !
These letters between me and Myles are currently free to read.
But if you want to support, consider becoming a paid subscriber.
All proceeds collected from Raising Myles contributes to his College Plan. If you can’t commit to a monthly subscription, but still want to support, here is my Buy Me a Coffee page.
Want more of Myles’ Letters?
The most recent one is about Haitian Independence Day!
These are Subscriber’s favorites:
How I Met Your Mother was was featured on Substack Reads!
Myles met his Grandfather in Brooklyn, NY
A video about beautiful backgrounds: Tell Them Where You're From.
Read about My Wife’s Love Affair - It’s exactly what you don’t think
Have you ever been Cooking in the Bathroom kind of tired?
Check out Carrying the Gift, Holding the Love
Read about Our first Father’s Day.
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