Answer: That video!!! At first I thought... is Marc flexing his press up ability on us? And then Myles started laughing and it was wonderful and very sweet. It bodes well for you that he finds press ups so entertaining. No excuse not to work out 😉
Sounds like I need to start doing some laps! I'm grateful I am still in shape to keep up with him. One of my goals is to never let him beat me in a race (anytime soon lol)
Noticing #4 stuck out to me. My husband and I talk about this a lot. We don’t have children and don’t plan to, but occasionally we each get a nag to consider it. I’m getting to the point where we’d probably need to make a decision soon.
You may have written about this in a previous letter, but I’m curious if you changed your mind about having kids when you met your wife of if you always had an inkling to be a father? We came into our relationship firmly on team no kids, but it has been our relationship and teamwork that has made it seem like a possibility.
Katie, this is such a great question. I actually plan to write to him about this soon. The TLDR: I wasn't ready to have kids initially, but when I was ready it took almost two years. We want another, but feels like it's either now or it'll be a lot harder on us in the future. Big decisions need to be made within the next two years. Thank you for sharing - I hope to write about this in the next coming months!
The kicking mylestone. In treating bunch of babies these days the difference between when a baby has lil kicks and huge kicks is wildly different a visit. Theyre running in place you know haha
Who I was in my 7´s 17 was insecure, uncoordinated, silent, unready to branch out on my own like I had to but learned fast.
27. Idealistic, strong in beliefs in making the world better, we can change it, will change it, I was in love with everything I did. Distance relationship, writing love letters and mailing them (lost art I believe), moved back to the US after 3 ish years away coming to terms with things in life. I meditated each day, I waited a minute about before answering anybody, ( honestly that would probably be annoying today haha)… I rushed nothing. I think we reunited when I was 27 maybe 28 honestly.
Im often giggling these days at stuff, my partner was laughing at me dancing to Tun Up - O & Cham last night and their laugh had me laughing back. Knocking the air like Cham hahaha
I think you dancing to anything would give us all a little laughter bro! Just realizing, I've known you for over 10 years now! We've seen the growth in each other. Just taking a moment to say I appreciate you. Had you never reached out, we would of never reconnected. Love you man.
What a BEAST Myles has for a father! My wife is a health & physical education teacher and she says that children are VASTLY more likely to exercise if their parents model it for are modeling early! 😁
No. 1 - Your noticing about how hard it is for parents to raise a kid alone really resonated with me! My mother was a single parent raising me, full-custody (went to my dad’s on the weekends). She is so strong and I look up to her every day.
Ditto on all above, Marc! Your posts and letters to Myles are the best and first thing I read... always a joy! You share you heart, your fears, your uncertainty, your delight in kind of pure and honest writing! ❤️
Joan, this means so much thank you. I am really happy I have put something together people genuinely enjoy and look forward too. It really makes my day and is the encouragement I need to keep this going!
I'm so glad you shared the video. It brought me immediately back to this period of my life where the smallest, most mundane things brought my children an immense amount of delight. And then I was delighted in the process!
But it reminds me that even now, at their ages (they're still children after all), it's not hard to get them laughing. I love that sound and I want more of it. <3
Thank you Kristine! Anytime parents with older children let me know about their experience, I still can't believe one day he will be walking and talking. Like seriously - it's a wonder! Appreciate you for reading ❤️
I remember when my children were starting to try to communicate with everyone, I spoke to them like I would everyone else. Baby talk fid seep in there, but its important to just talk to your baby in the same way you'd talk to anyone else. I miss the back and forth of my kids trying to hold a conversation with me. Now, I can get the 16yo or the 5yo to shutup 🤣🤣🤣
Shall we be expecting a nephew ? 👀 jk!
I think you meant 👶🏾👶🏽👶🏼
I receive this! Thank you Chandra. You've been here from the beginning. I appreciate you.
I loved the video. I’ll say it again, “This newsletter is such a great idea “.
Appreciate you Stanley!
5. What’s something that made you laugh recently?
Answer: That video!!! At first I thought... is Marc flexing his press up ability on us? And then Myles started laughing and it was wonderful and very sweet. It bodes well for you that he finds press ups so entertaining. No excuse not to work out 😉
I'm been trying to get back in shape! His laughing is a nice incentive lol thank you Martha! Committing to ordering my book this week!
His laugh has to be one of the best exercise incentives out there! And glad you hear it Marc! I’ll hold you to it and check back here next Monday lol!
I thought the same!
7. 🥰 start working out because little boy alligators are also fast when the start crawling!
Sounds like I need to start doing some laps! I'm grateful I am still in shape to keep up with him. One of my goals is to never let him beat me in a race (anytime soon lol)
It’s Nos. 5, 6 and 7 of your noticings for me. And of course y’alls adorable video! Great stuff, Marc. Keep at it!
Appreciate you brother!
I thought the video was adorable. Your post made my day!
Thank you Diana! Really happy I decided to share it.
Your little guy has such a cute laugh!
Noticing #4 stuck out to me. My husband and I talk about this a lot. We don’t have children and don’t plan to, but occasionally we each get a nag to consider it. I’m getting to the point where we’d probably need to make a decision soon.
You may have written about this in a previous letter, but I’m curious if you changed your mind about having kids when you met your wife of if you always had an inkling to be a father? We came into our relationship firmly on team no kids, but it has been our relationship and teamwork that has made it seem like a possibility.
Katie, this is such a great question. I actually plan to write to him about this soon. The TLDR: I wasn't ready to have kids initially, but when I was ready it took almost two years. We want another, but feels like it's either now or it'll be a lot harder on us in the future. Big decisions need to be made within the next two years. Thank you for sharing - I hope to write about this in the next coming months!
The kicking mylestone. In treating bunch of babies these days the difference between when a baby has lil kicks and huge kicks is wildly different a visit. Theyre running in place you know haha
Who I was in my 7´s 17 was insecure, uncoordinated, silent, unready to branch out on my own like I had to but learned fast.
27. Idealistic, strong in beliefs in making the world better, we can change it, will change it, I was in love with everything I did. Distance relationship, writing love letters and mailing them (lost art I believe), moved back to the US after 3 ish years away coming to terms with things in life. I meditated each day, I waited a minute about before answering anybody, ( honestly that would probably be annoying today haha)… I rushed nothing. I think we reunited when I was 27 maybe 28 honestly.
Im often giggling these days at stuff, my partner was laughing at me dancing to Tun Up - O & Cham last night and their laugh had me laughing back. Knocking the air like Cham hahaha
I think you dancing to anything would give us all a little laughter bro! Just realizing, I've known you for over 10 years now! We've seen the growth in each other. Just taking a moment to say I appreciate you. Had you never reached out, we would of never reconnected. Love you man.
I honestly thought Myles was going to start doing push-ups with you, soon he will be
Haha! This time next year, hopefully!
What a BEAST Myles has for a father! My wife is a health & physical education teacher and she says that children are VASTLY more likely to exercise if their parents model it for are modeling early! 😁
Oh Yes! Health is WEALTH!
Yes sir! That sounds like a perfect focus for a wealth letter...just sayin' 😉
No. 1 - Your noticing about how hard it is for parents to raise a kid alone really resonated with me! My mother was a single parent raising me, full-custody (went to my dad’s on the weekends). She is so strong and I look up to her every day.
Chloe, I wish our mothers never had to be so strong. I feel that even more now, having my own child. Appreciate you for reading!
Hearing Myles’ laughter is wonderful. Your writing frames it and your experience - also wonderful.
Thank you Patris! Anytime I see your name I keep saying I need to sign up for swimming lessons! This is the year!
Do It!!!!
Ditto on all above, Marc! Your posts and letters to Myles are the best and first thing I read... always a joy! You share you heart, your fears, your uncertainty, your delight in kind of pure and honest writing! ❤️
Joan, this means so much thank you. I am really happy I have put something together people genuinely enjoy and look forward too. It really makes my day and is the encouragement I need to keep this going!
I'm so glad you shared the video. It brought me immediately back to this period of my life where the smallest, most mundane things brought my children an immense amount of delight. And then I was delighted in the process!
But it reminds me that even now, at their ages (they're still children after all), it's not hard to get them laughing. I love that sound and I want more of it. <3
Thank you Kristine! Anytime parents with older children let me know about their experience, I still can't believe one day he will be walking and talking. Like seriously - it's a wonder! Appreciate you for reading ❤️
I remember when my children were starting to try to communicate with everyone, I spoke to them like I would everyone else. Baby talk fid seep in there, but its important to just talk to your baby in the same way you'd talk to anyone else. I miss the back and forth of my kids trying to hold a conversation with me. Now, I can get the 16yo or the 5yo to shutup 🤣🤣🤣
Haha! If he is anything like us I know he is going to be a talker. Lord helps us! Thanks for reading Jennice!